Friday, November 7, 2008

Another PT Update

Ali and I have both been reduced to tears today. Mine not in front of her. It is not going great. I keep reminding myself that I pumped for 1 year, wanted to give up so bad at the beginning, but did it. I can conquer her. It has now come down to a battle of wills. She is not 2 and I am 31...I will win. I told Curt I feel like I am being given a psychological test. These tactics must be what the military and the police study to break people. I believe in false confessions now...anything to make it stop. It is not the messes that I mind, it is the lack of understanding with the consequence. She was interested in the treats, dancing, singing and such as part of that bathroom routine, rather than the consequence of going on the pot. She is such a routine oriented kid. That is great for many things, but I am finding the consequence focus would be much better for potty training. There isn't a whole lot about going to the pot that is routine. You deal with what comes when it comes. Pray for major breakthrough and mental toughness for me!!! I think I am going to start a business when this is a help phone line for parents about the go off the edge.


Anonymous said...

You are so funny Sara.... I miss you girl!! I had 3 in diapers dear and it was not fun! I waited to potty train till they were all like 26 - 28 months old and it was very easy and they trained very fast at that age. I tried with the twins like at 20 months and I gave up because I was the one trained, not them! :o)

Anyway good luck Sara!

sbharnish said...

hang tough woman! its unfortunate, but once you've started you CAN'T give up! I gave up awhile ago with Aaron and I am now paying for it BIG TIME as I have started to try again. The battle of wills has begun, but do everything in your power to make it NOT that....I will pray for God to help you to remain CALM COOL and COLLECTED so that she doesn't sense that she has any leverage in that area!

Randy said...

I cleaned up poop last night. It stunk. I feel 1/15th of your pain right now.