Monday, March 30, 2009


I went to a big consignment sale for kids on Saturday. It is just like the One Week Boutique in Urbana, but here it is call the Big Red Wagon sale. It was great! I scored a ton of stuff and only spent $50! Check it out...for Saywer I got: A sweater vest, 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of cargos, a pair of corderoys, a pair of Nike mesh shorts, bibs with shirt and socks that match, a John Deere t-shirt, CP summer onesie thing, 2 cotton button down shirts for church, a Gap barn coat for the fall, a brand new pair of sneaks and leather suspenders. I am very excited about the suspenders! Oh and a zip up hoodie for chilly nights working on the car or fishing with Dad. Thanks to very generous family members with a daugher a couple years older than Ali, she doesn't need alot. I got her a few things 4 shirts, 2 pairs of shorts, a pair of capris and Elmo & Abby p.js. Woo Hoo for this sale!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bed Bugs

Sawyer and Ali love to snuggle together in the morning. I think it is their time to figure out how they are going to plot against me. Sawyer: "How about if I wet my bed and barf at the same time, then you can tell Mommy you want to try going on the potty and wet your pants about 3 inches from it!" Allison: "Sounds like a plan, we gotta get Nittany in on this too!" I am working on my part of the plan right now!
Serious Bed Head!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nanny's Here!!!

This past weekend Nanny, Pappy, Aunty Em and Gabe came to visit. Ali freaked out with excitement when she saw Mom come into the porch. It was adorable!
Ali showing off her new purse that our friend Gabe got her: Snuggles for Gabe
Nanny and Sawyer getting some love in.
The awesome blanket that Gabe made for Sawyer. Ali loved it so much she requested it be on her bed on Sunday evening.
Dad and Sawyer did some serious bonding. Sawyer LOVED Dad. They were very cute together.

Aunty Karen & Uncle Dan

Aunt Karen and Uncle Dan came to meet Sawyer and play with Ali about 1.5 weeks ago. Ali had a blast playing, reading and shopping. Thanks for coming guys and thanks for the fun gifts!

Girls Gone Wild Higher Uncle Dan!
Ali and Uncle Dan getting their dough on.
A blessing of amazing weather.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Walk in the Woods

We went for a 2 mile trail walk in the woods yesterday. It was great! I wore Sawyer in the BabyBorjn under a "fat" coat. We had a blast! Spring here we come!!!!!

It is going to be a good day...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Jamie R & Jeanine...This is for you!

I was letting Sawyer air out a bit this morning on a towel on the floor. It is good for his skin and mood to be without a diaper some. When I leaned over him to kiss him, this is what happened. I guess we know how he feels about the U of I!

Owls and Snakes and Horses, Oh My

Curt took Ali to the I-X Center in Cleveland for the Outdoor Expo. They both had a blast. They went to a snake show, gave some cadavier dogs love, saw "Muddy" the owl and rode a horse. Curt said that best money spent was for parking. It was right beside a runway for the Cleveland airport and Ali LOVES planes. Curt said she was so excited watching them that she was shaking. Fun was had by all!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

You Are Going to Crack Up!!!

This is the best thing I have seen in awhile. It is a kid coming off anaesthesia. I have watched it about 20 times in the past 4 days. Turn on your sound. The rage fit is my favorite part!!!

Sleeping Through the Night

I think it is official...Sawyer is sleeping through the night. For about the last 2 weeks he has been consistantly sleeping from the time we put him down after the 10pm feeding to 6:30-7:30am. Woo Hoo!!! Thank you Lord for this blessing and also to "Babywise" AKA our baby bible.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Picture of a Picture

Here are the pics we had taken of the kids this week. They are pictures of physical pictures, so they aren't that good, but you get the idea.

The Explosion

Wow, what a day! No bad, just nuts. After Sawyer's 10:30am feeding I told Ali that we would go to the playground to play, then I would pack our lunch and have a picnic on the grass. All was well and good. I fed Sawyer, sat him on the couch with the boppy and started to make our lunch. He started to cry, which I ignored so I could finish the lunch and we could be on our way. Big mistake. He pooped EVERYWHERE!!!! We usually have a blanket on the arm of the couch just in case of spit up, but I decided to wash it this morning and hang it on the line. Dirty stuff includes, but are not limited to: Sawyer & his outfit including socks, the couch, pillow, boppy & boppy cover, a makeup bag (random I know) and Ali (she decided to "explore" the mess). So it took awhile to get everything cleaned up and go to the park, but we made it. I thought I had it all taken care of when we went to the park, but when we got there Sawyer had poop in between his fingers. Yuck!

I Love Ice Cream

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lord of the Dance

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Sawyer has been smiling on purpose for the past week. Today I was able to catch it on camera. He has been smiling since he was 24hr, but while he was sleeping. I love his smile! When he cheeses really big you can see he cute dimples!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bedtime Booger

We just put Ali to bed minutes ago. She started screaming and crying after we shut her door, this is not typical at all. I listened outside of her door, she was wailing, "I have a boogie". I went in and asked what she needed and she said, "I need a tissue". I wiped her nose then tried to snuggle her a bit. She told me to "Get out bed, turn off light, shut door Mommy". I guess I am only good for wiping boogies!

What the?

Going Green?!?!

Nittany had a trip to the vet Friday for shots and to find out what is up with her breath. If you have been to visit in the last 3 months you have experienced her terrible breath and it is enough to knock you over. The vet checked the most likely contributors and determined Nittany has decided to go green and take up recycling! Yuck.
A whole yard of recycling possiblity:

A Family Walk

Playin' at the Park

It has been very mild the last couple of days, so we took advantage on Friday and went to the park. It was Curt's last full day of leave so we enjoyed our family time. Ali had a blast. We took a picnic lunch and she couldn't eat due to excitement. She was starving at dinner. It was funny.

Here is my little live teddy bear.

I love this picture, she is so independent.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Can't Wait Any Longer Mom

My Mom turned 29 again March 2nd. I wish that I could be home to celebrate with you Mom. This is part of your gift. I just can't wait any longer for you to see it. It was kind of an accident picture that turned out great. Hope you like it! Happy Birthday and I love you!!!

Pippy Longstocking

My Little Buddy

I have been playing with our new camera and editting software. I think this pic is pretty good.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cutest Guys Ever

Going to Church

This morning was the first time we have gone to church since Sawyer was born. We got dressed up and made it there in plenty of time. Ali had a great time with her friends at Sunday School and the little man did great in service.

Hangin with my Bro