Monday, September 27, 2010

Ali = Catfish Hunter

Ali and I have been doing a fair amount of fishing this summer. A couple weeks ago, our buddy Kenny, took her and I out on a row boat on a nearby private lake. We had ultra-lights out with sunfish fare sure that we'd have bluegill action to keep her busy and we each put out one bottom rig 'just in case' a catfish would wonder by. Well, NO bluegill at all, but we got into the catfish. I think she liked it!

Here is her fighting Mr. Catfish

We boated it! Now time to take the hook out. She was excited.

Come on Daddy...what's taking so long?! By the way, the tail slapped her in the face and she thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Finally, the pose and the picture.

Here is her with another skinnier one she caught. Poor looking fish, but I love her smile!

Night Catfishing

My buddy, Kenny, and I did a little night catfishing a few weeks ago. That was fun. Here are a couple pics.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Even Super Heros Brush Their Teeth!

I got these PJs last year. They have a built in cape!!!

Bathroom Project - this is for you Mom!

Not bad for $5 cabinet due to sales and coupons at target and some scrapbooking paper!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bargain Hunting

I love a good bargain but this was over the top! I saw a cute necklace in there, but it wasn't worth it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dreams Do Come True

Road work outside our front window. Sawyer was in heaven! He was yelling with excitement.
He pulled this chair out of his room all by himself and placed it right in front of the window. Too bad I had errands to run that day it would have been the ultimate babysitter.

Preschool Orientation

Ali is soooo excited for her 1 day per week preschool. Above Sawyer is getting her backpack for her while she is jumping for joy.