Sunday, December 26, 2010

Deer Dec. 18

Not trying to trump Sara's "Santa Came" Entry...been meaning to post this for the past week or so but kept putting it off. Shot a small deer Sat. Dec. 18, around 10 am, on Salt Fork Wildlife Area. Stayed at a camp adjacent to state property - cabin is owned by one of my buddy's buddy. Won't mention name here, but I'm grateful for his warm hospitality. It was an enjoyable trip.
A predicted 5-F overnight temp necessitated that we process the deer, at least partially, Saturday evening otherwise the meat would have frozen solid on the carcass overnight. I decided last year that I needed to learn to process deer myself to really make harvesting a deer economically superior over store meat prices. We decided to de-bone the meat that evening, bag it in freezer zip-lok bags, ans store in a cooler to prevent freezing and keep a constant (more-or-less) temp. Sara, Kenny, and I then trimmed, ground, and packaged the meat Tuesday evening in our kitchen - thanks for loaning the grinder Kenny!

Some might find these pics a bit squeamish, but if you think the meat you eat 'comes' from the grocery store cooler or freezer, think again. Hope you find it interesting. First step is skinning the deer. Notice the thickness of the hide and the thick layer of fat between the hide and meat - ready for winter!
Next, you cut the major muscle groups off the bone. This is easiest when it is hanging whole, not quartered. Here I'm cutting out the back-straps, or tenderloin. This is the same piece of meat as a pork tenderloin. These make steak medallions as tender as beef fillet-Mignon.
Ahh...the end product that night at camp. Only a small amount of this was actually my deer that evening. The rest was mostly moose.

Santa Came!

Santa visited Ali and Sawyer! They were very good kids this year. Santa must have found the keys that we left in the mailbox for him. We don't have a chimney so we didn't want him to have to break in. We also left him about 8 cookies and a salad for the reindeer.
First Reaction
Because I never buy them...Ali asked if we could please have pop tarts for breakfast on Christmas morning. Her dreams came true and they could choose from 2 different kinds!
Nittany...Curt and my present to one another the year before we had Ali. Best $35 ever spent!

Monday, December 13, 2010

All Things Wonderful

The kids enjoying all things wonderful about childhood...snow, lollipops, balloons and looking cute in snow hats!

Breakfast with Santa

The kids were pumped to see Santa...both kids.
Sawyer freaked. But it was still awesome and cute.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

You Know Your House is Cold When...

Your Pitt Bull uses your curtains as a blanket.

So Cute!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This is Funny...

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

A town really close to us has a tradition that Santa comes to town each year on a train and lights up the big Christmas tree down town. Some of our buddies live there and invited us to come along with them. I was really fun. The pictures really don't do it was magical!

Christmas Card Runner Up

How Time Flies

It seems like yesterday when my sweet little baby was swaddled in her crib. Now she is pretending she is a deer. Happy Birthday to my Ali P.


My little bean turned 4 today December 7th! She had her first "real" birthday party this year. It was this past Friday. She had lots of fun with her Sunday school friends. They played, ate and had a blast. I am so thankful for wonderful friends that were willing to give up their Friday afternoon to bring their kids over for the party. I love my sweet Ali and am so thankful for the gift of her life. She is AWESOME!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Shutterfly...Oh My!

As many of you know I love getting a good deal. It has an addictive quality to it. Well thanks to some fellow bloggers I have come across a wonderful way to share my wishes for Christmas with all my family and friends for FREE! is offering 50 Free Christmas Cards if you are willing to let your friends and family know, via your blog, about their great site. I have seen many products made by Shutterfly and all are great quality. Many of my friends have sent me the cutest birth announcements...I didn't cause I could not think straight, but I thought about it. That counts right? I can't wait to start getting creative with my personalized Christmas photo cards! I have my eye on the design above. I only wish that I also had palm trees in the background of my family Christmas picture, rather than a yawning Pitt Bull and a 2 year old picking his nose! If you would like to score some free Christmas cards as well as see some sweet products that will be perfect for that hard to buy for relative or friend go here and check it out.