Wednesday, April 29, 2009

90 to 180 & 6 to 5

Sawyer broke his previous record of spinning 90 degrees last night and did an amazing 180 degrees. Spin little dude spin! The time has come to drop another feeding. I can tell by his demenor that he is ready. 6 feedings a day down to 5, with 10 hrs of sleeping at night. Here he is after the first round of change today. Let's hope it stays this way!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Is there anything cuter than a pair of tiny chubby feet in a pair of flip flops?

Monday, April 27, 2009

90 Degrees

Nope not talking about the weather this weekend, although we were close. Sawyer is starting to move around in his crib and managed a whole 90 degrees on Saturday night. A new record! He has worn quite the bald patch on the back of his head. I took the bumper pad off last week cause they freak me out when babies start to move, but can't get themselves out of tight spots.

Seeds & Shades

Ali loves wildlife. She really enjoys looking at birds at Grandma's house so Curt and I thought it would be fun to put out a birdfeeder that I got for Christmas last year outside her window. We had a short shepards hook so it would be right at her eye level. It was quite the project that she and Curt did Saturday morning. After they set it up we heard her in her room saying, in the sweetest voice..."Come here birdies, eat my seed". I love this kid! BTW she got new sunglasses on Friday, they have been on constantly except for sleeping and bathing.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Fashion at Work

Thanks to Nanny & Grandma for this fashion forward outfit! Yeah for 70 plus degree weather!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kids Say the Darnest Things

Ali has been running around this morning saying, "Where is my Glockenspiel?". She learned about them on Sesame Street. If anyone has an extra glockenspiel around that they aren't using, send it my way, my toddler can't find hers!

Monday, April 20, 2009

I found it, I found it!

I have been looking for this thing for MONTHS! I finally found it today.

My Little Pony...Tail

Booger Bummer

The other day while I was feeding Sawyer, Ali announced she had a booger and to get it off. I told her I was busy and to go get a small piece of TP, wipe it on it and throw it away. She took off to the bathroom. This is what Curt and I found later: That is not a small piece of TP Ali!
This is her trying to get in as Curt and I shut ourselves in the bathroom for a good laugh.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Conversation with Grandma

He is Risen

Easter morning church clothes: Grandpa and Ali stalking their pray: An egg with money inside.
I found one!
Pap Pap and Sawyer getting in some guy time.

Hanging in the 'Burg

This past Wednesday I loaded up the kiddos and we headed to C-burg for the Easter holiday. Curt wasn't able to go home and I wanted to see the fam and for my brother to meet Sawyer so we went. It was a nice trip. Ali had some trouble sleeping and gave me a run for my money, other than that the trip was fine. Traveling to PA was easily and enjoyable, the way back was harder. Ali ate her way across PA and cried her way across OH. Sawyer was an awesome traveler. We missed Curt, but loved seeing family.
I love you Aunty Karen
"Coloring Outside!" Aunty Em got Ali sidewalk chalk.
Playing a masterpiece for Grandma and Grandpa

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm Not a Good Photographer!

Oh well I tried to take funny Easter pictures. This is not my gift!

Rainbow Brite & A Little Old Man

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Spring Day

The weather here today is great! It was pouring this morning, but now it is sunny and about 60 degrees out. As soon as Ali gets up and I feed Sawyer again, we are going to the park! Sawyer is having a fun day today. Lots of smiles! Check out that dimple on the left side!