Monday, April 20, 2009

Booger Bummer

The other day while I was feeding Sawyer, Ali announced she had a booger and to get it off. I told her I was busy and to go get a small piece of TP, wipe it on it and throw it away. She took off to the bathroom. This is what Curt and I found later: That is not a small piece of TP Ali!
This is her trying to get in as Curt and I shut ourselves in the bathroom for a good laugh.


Jen said...

Adam & I were laughing out loud with this one! You go Ali!

Karen K said...

Now that is hilarious, stinkin' hilarious!!

bradulcy said...

I am lovin' this! The hands under the door reminds me of the movie "Signs." Ha! This is a great TP incident!