Sunday, May 31, 2009

We Live in Mayberry

Half & Half

Sawyer is trying so hard to roll over. He can get the back half of his body all the way over, but seems to get caught up on his one shoulder/arm. He grunts and gets red faced using his muscles. You will get there soon little dude!

Mini Me

This kiddo is my little shadow. She would love to spend all day everyday doing exactly what I do(except for using the potty). Here we are doing dishes. Oh if she only knew how cool dishwashers are! Inthe mean time, I have a good little bottle washer!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fun with Family

Spring at the Farm

Allison Loves her Daddy

Time to Start Shuting the Door

At the farm this weekend we were taking a walk and Ali stopped and was doing this: I asked her what she was doing and she said, "Peeing like Daddy".

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Brotherly Love

I have a feeling exchanges of "affection" like this will happen more and more.

Bonus of Living in Akron

Since the blimp hanger is here in town, we get to see it all the time. I want to take a ride someday!

You Wish Coach Tressel!

Oh this makes me physically ill!

New Series: Things You Never Thought You Would Hear Yourself Say

First Entry: "Honey don't put your finger in his butt crack".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sweet Doodles

Smiley Guy



Sawyer is Dedicated

We had Sawyer dedicated on Sunday. It was a lovely service. Each father was asked to write a letter to their child and read it aloud. Below is the letter Curt wrote. He did a wonderful job, I was so proud of him.

May 17, 2009


I’ll never forget January 27, 2009 at 8:19 PM – this is when you were born. Your mother and I decided to not find out if you were a boy or a girl and just be surprised. At this point, Allison was 2 years old and we thought how neat it would be to have a little boy and then we’d have both a boy and a girl in our family. Certainly our main prayer was to have a healthy child, regardless of gender, but man were we excited when you arrived and we heard those words, “it’s a boy!”

I’m writing you this letter in May 2009 as we prepare to have you dedicated at The Chapel in Akron, Ohio. What an amazing three and a half months it has been so far getting to know you! You are a wonderful little man. The reason your mother and I are having you dedicated is so that we can make a commitment to Christ and the church body that we will, with the guidance of the holy spirit, strive to raise you to know and love Jesus Christ. Further, we are asking and praying that the church body come along side us as parents to help us raise you in Christ. We pray that someday you will make the personal decision to be baptized in Christ and accept him as your savoir.

I want you to know that I will always love you Sawyer. Just as God designed and instructed Christian marriage to reflect and point to the relationship between Christ and his church; I also desire for my relationship with you, Sawyer, to reflect the unconditional love our Heavenly Father has for his children. I am sure I will fail you at times, just as I sometimes fail at being Christ-like as a husband; but I want you to know that I will humbly strive to show you that I love you unconditionally, and most importantly that God loves you unconditionally. I hope that my relationship with you and my role as a father will strengthen your faith in and love for Christ.

Sawyer buddy, I can’t wait to do so many things with you. I look forward to throwing a ball with you, teaching you about hunting and fishing and the outdoors, indoctrinating you into all things Penn State Football, encouraging you in your studies, supporting you in music or art, or being involved in anything else you find interest and passion in. I’m excited to be a part of your life. I loved you at 8:19 PM on January 27, 2009, I love you now, and I will love you forever Sawyer.

With much love,

Preparing for a Party

Grandma's birthday was this past weekend, and she was coming to visit so Ali and I made a special chocolate cake. I didn't get any spit in it Grandma, I swear...and if I did it would bake out like alcohol I think.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Things that Made Me Smile

Even though dandilions are weeds, I thought this was pretty. I was in a puddle on our Mother's Day trail walk. I used a cool feature on the camera that made everything but the flower black and white. Ali cracks me up...this is what I found when I went for the phone the other day.

Bumbo Fun

Curt and I are both of the mindset of minimal baby stuff. Basically we have now 4 pieces of what we feel are essential baby equipment that are in the house. A floor swing that doubles as a baby lounge chair, play gym, exersaucer and now a bumbo. Bumbos are awesome! We didn't have one with Ali and I am glad we got it cause it is so nice! Woo Hoo for the bumbo!

Faces of a Doodlebug

Monday, May 11, 2009

Kids Say the Darnest Things

On Saturday Ali randomly blurted out,"Mommy I got you a card, with Elmo, it's big and I write in it". This was the day before Mothers Day. On Saturday she also told Curt, "Don't make sounds when drinking Daddy, not ladylike".

Sunday, May 10, 2009

We Love Each Other Lots

Drooly Man

Sawyer has been drooling like it is his job lately. He is soaking through multiple layers of clothes at a time. Check out the spit string here:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009