Friday, March 26, 2010

Insect at the Dinner Table

Tonight right after we had finished dinner Ali started yelling that there was a caterpillar on the floor. I looked and it is actually a grub moseying along. So I tell her and pick it up and put it on the kitchen table. (I know I am weird, but I figure this way she isn't scared of bugs and we have disinfectant so no biggie.) She fell in love with "Scary" the grub. He kept getting freaked out and rolling into a ball. We explained this process to her and when he did it she would cheer him on to come back out and not to be scared. We finally convinced her it was time to set him free so he could find his family. I love my sweet girl!

5.28 Pound Difference

We just got back from the pediatrician for a possible ear infection on Sawyer. He was weighed and he is 22.88 pounds. Allison weighs 28.16 pounds. Not much difference. I think he will pass her sooner than later.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Such a Boy!

Eating dog food: When I emptied the contents...23 pieces of Dog Chow. I see a chubby bunny champion in our future.

My Latest Project

Homemade hair bows for Ali.

Fancy Nancy Ballet

Ali had a great time at the ballet last weekend. This is her waiting for it to begin. The beautiful Akron Civic Center...the picture doesn't do it justice.
The star of the show: Fancy Nancy herself!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

On the Move

Need a Hollywood Stylist?

Picture of a Picture: Sawyer 1 Year

Looks a little wierd here...Picture of a picture. Turned out wonderful! Little dimple cutie!