Monday, November 24, 2008

What Did She Just Say?

Ali has really been cracking us up lately. She is starting to speak in "sentences" minus the small filler words. She has also be blowing us away with her memory. She can remember stuff we didn't even realize we told her.
  • Last week Curt told her we are going to see Grandma and Grandpa next week. For the past 5 days she has been saying, "See Bianca & Bianca soon, cited".
  • Saturday morning Curt let me sleep in and got up with Ali and made her eggs and pancakes(she calls them Daddy cakes) for breakfast. When I came down she informed me, "Syrup all gone, butter on Daddy cakes".
  • Saturday evening we were watching football and so I decided to do a clean out the fridge dinner. We never eat in front of the tube, but decided to since we were into the game. I made her a grilled cheese, grapes and put about 4 tortilla chips on her plate. I put it in front of her and she says, "Salsa please"! Curt and I looked at each other and start to laugh. We asked each other if we taught her that and remembered that she had salsa the last time we went out for Mexican about 2 months ago. I gave her some medium and she loved it. What a crack up!

Friday, November 21, 2008

It is a Miracle!

After doing the 3 hr glucose challenge Wednesday (since my original test came back 1 point over) I got a call from the nurse yesterday. I don't have gestational diabetes!!! It truly is a miracle, since I had it so bad with Ali. Thanks for your prayers!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

First Sled & First Hot Chocolate

Ali loved sledding last night! Daddy & Doodles
Nittany is trying to catch a snow ball.
Picture of Daddy and Ali's hot chocolate. I couldn't enjoy since I failed my gestational diabetes test by one point. I had a 3 hr glucose challenge yesterday. Please pray for great results!
Ali absolutely loved her hot chocolate with marshmallows!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Playing in the Snow

Thanks Bianca & Bianca (Grandma & Grandpa) for the snow suit. I looked so stylish, yet stayed so warm! The snow was up to her knees! We got about 6 in total.
Ali's first snowball.
Nittany loves the snow. She almost knocked Ali over in this picture.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Brrrr Higetty!

We are officially in a "snow belt". We are getting lake effect snow here. This is a shot I took about 2 min ago out the front door. We have about 2.5-3 inches maybe. I am not the best judge. Poor Curt is out on the water tonight. If you have ever seen "Deadliest Catch" that is what I am imagining his night must be like. He has to be out tomorrow night too. I don't know how he does it...I hate being cold. There isn't a worse combo than cold, wet and working in my opinion. Hopefully I can have some fun pics of Ali in the snow tomorrow!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

PT & Pregnancy Update

PT - I called it Saturday. After I cryed for 20 mins after Ali went down for the night I talked it out with Curt and decided that it must not be the right time. I just don't think she as the muscle control yet. I cryed cause I felt like a failure. I have one responsibility: take care of my family. I felt like I was not doing that well if I didn't potty train my kid young. It is more of a judgement thing on my part...I thought parents who didn't succeed in doing this was because they were soft. I learned. I am sorry!
Pregnancy - Doing well. Had an ultrasound Monday and things looked good. Much to Curt's disappointment the US lady didn't mess up and tell me what it is. I took my gestational diabetes test again on Tuesday. If I get through tomorrow with no phone call, most likely I passed. I am hoping for the best, but expecting the worse. Small price to pay for a kiddo that is what I say. Other than that I have been having some contractions, which is normal. I am starting to get to the uncomfortable stage where falling asleep is hard and things like bending over are harder too. Wide Load!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Another PT Update

Ali and I have both been reduced to tears today. Mine not in front of her. It is not going great. I keep reminding myself that I pumped for 1 year, wanted to give up so bad at the beginning, but did it. I can conquer her. It has now come down to a battle of wills. She is not 2 and I am 31...I will win. I told Curt I feel like I am being given a psychological test. These tactics must be what the military and the police study to break people. I believe in false confessions now...anything to make it stop. It is not the messes that I mind, it is the lack of understanding with the consequence. She was interested in the treats, dancing, singing and such as part of that bathroom routine, rather than the consequence of going on the pot. She is such a routine oriented kid. That is great for many things, but I am finding the consequence focus would be much better for potty training. There isn't a whole lot about going to the pot that is routine. You deal with what comes when it comes. Pray for major breakthrough and mental toughness for me!!! I think I am going to start a business when this is a help phone line for parents about the go off the edge.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

PT Update

The PT is going much better today. Ali has had 2.5 accidents (the .5 is cause she peed on the pot for a little got excited, jumped off the finished on the floor) today with ~4 successful pees and a poop on the pot. There is/was a learning curve for me. Pushing the fluids hardcore has helped alot. More chances for learning and going and less guessing. She is at the point now where she is a bit freaked out to go on the pot and I can tell she is fighting it. More practice will just make it better. She loves to wipe, put on her clean & dry undies, dance, sing, get a treat and wash hands. I am physically tired and emotionally drained from this which I did not expect. I will know for next time. I am glad that I started before I have another to take care of cause the way I am doing it takes complete focus and attention. Pray for a break through for Ali soon. I am seeing a glimmer of light. My new goal is for her to be doing drastically better by the time my sister comes to visit next weekend.

Hi Randy!

Hey everyone, I (curt) posted a bunch here at once. don't forget to scroll down to the important post (potty training) and comment away and stay tuned for more updates on that front.

I was kinda proud of myself on this one

The Nation's Longest Wooden Covered Bridge

Ashtabula Co., Ohio. 10-30-08

A Picture Says 1,000 Words

A Very Large Hybrid Striped Bass

Again, from a gill net in a NE Ohio reservoir. This one went about 10 lbs.

A Pile of Walleye

How are these for some nice eyes, those of you who appreciate walleye fishing and eating? These were from gill nets set in a nearby lake. We have to sacrifice the fish in order to extract the otolith (inner ear bone), which tells us the age of the fish. And no, we don't get to keep and eat the fillets!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Potty Training?!?!?!

I started yesterday morning after breakfast potty training Ali. I woke up and got to the polls at 6:30am so that I would not have to leave the house with her. It is not going how I pictured. All moms think their kid is smart and wonderful. I think Ali is smart for her age, very verbal, aims to please for the most part and knows that she has peed or pooped by telling me and requesting a diaper change. The phrase usually is, "Mommy, pooped. Diaper Change!" So she is showing signs of readiness. I got a book, geared myself up and cleaned up a whole lotta pee yesterday. Same goes for today only I get to add poop to the list of cleaned up stuff. I had to phone a friend for moral support and pointers and ask if spanking during the process really isn't allowed. She is interested in the potty mostly cause she is "reading" books and coloring while she is on there. She will sit there for 10-15 min, not do anything then pee her pants, floor and anything else in range (me) 2 mins after she gets off the potty. I know it will happen, but come on! I was nuts when I believed the book about the possiblity of her getting it in a day! Any words of encouragement? I will take them.

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Weekend with the Felix Five

We had a great time with our hometown buds the Felix five. The weather was great and we could play outside and picnic at the park. Curt took all the kids to his office to see what Jacob kept calling "all the dead animals". We laughed hard the whole weekend and had a great time. Thanks for the visit guys!

Penn State Cutie

You Might Be a Redneck If...

Your Dad gives you a bait bucket to trick or treat with! Checking out the loot!

All girls love chocolate!