Saturday, January 31, 2009

Little Man

Like Father Like Son...

We Finally Had a Chance to get a Picture Together

Ice Cream Party With Nanny!

Getting ready for the party!

At the party!

Sara and Sawyer

"I HELP...!"

Happy Nanny and Pappy!


Our little buddy has a fractured is a bummer, and may cause him some discomfort when being lifted or held, but nothing you really do for it. It just heals on its own in a couple weeks. Just starting him out to be a tough guy!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wonderful NE Ohio Weather!

Sara is on her own...Here is why I haven't been away from the house (or at the hospital) today:

I left the hospital last night around 11:30 PM (SEE POST BELOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS)and didn't make it 3/4 of a mile! I was totally stuck on a hill with our Honda Accord. Thank goodness for AAA and a nice tow truck guy.

It has been an interesting past 24 hrs!

I think they will release Sara and Sawyer tomorrow, and I think the roads should be a bit better by then! I miss my new little fishing buddy!

Meet the newest member of our family!

Sawyer Curtis Wagner
7 lb 14 oz

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Update: 1/25/09 - no baby yet...stay tuned!

Man I love coloring!!!

Happy Go Funday (Fundayyy...)...Feeling Kinda Sunday (Sundayyy...)

Kicking back with a cold one watching the NFC Championship game with Daddy!


go to the U-I web and you'll find my e-mail

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Congrats to Curt!

My wonderful hubby has received word that another manuscript of his has been accepted to a journal for publication! Translation: He is a smarty and did great research that is worth publishing for the good of the fish world. Way to go Curt. Along with him taking care of our family he is working hard to continue his academic pursuits. I am so proud of him!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bring It On!

We are ready to get the show on the road. The room is ready, Curt found the baby monitor (no small task), anything that could come in contact with the babies mouth has been boiled and sanitized, the car seat is installed, diapers are purchased, food is made in the freezer, bags are packed and I am ready to be done! Bring it on! I have reviewed Babywise and my labor book (which is a total joke) and feel as prepared as possible. All we need now is a baby and boat load of batteries for the baby technology.

I Love You Doodle Bug!

Mug Shots

I didn't do it, and I am not a pit bull, I swear!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another Edition of Kids Say the Darnest Things

Funny story from a couple nights ago while Curt tucked Ali in to bed:

Ali: "big house daddy..."

Curt: "what did you say?"

Ali: "big house daddy..."

Curt: "Ah Ali, that's sweet"

Ali crawls into her 'big girl bed' and lays in position, Curt starts to cover her up with a blanket, Ali pushes back up and turns her head around to look at Curt and with her head shaking no and a disgusted look on her face she says very directly...

Ali: "this is NOT a big house daddy"

and she turns around without saying anything more and goes to sleep.

Retirement: It's never too early to save...

This holiday season has given way to me seeing some "moneys"come my way. I recieved some cash, a piggy bank, a debit card (its pretty pink & purple) and a purse. I first considered going to Walmart and splurging on lollipops and ice cream, but thought better and decided it was time to save. Dad took me to the bank Saturday to start a savings account. Here I am getting ready to go. This is where I do business. It's a member of FDIC.
I waited very patiently and made some friends with some older ladies and a baby. Each time someone moved I said, "It's Ali's turn!".
It's official...I am now a bank customer. Now when my new piggy bank is full of "moneys" I can dump it on this nice ladies desk and make a deposit. Thanks for the special Daddy-Daughter time!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Hey everyone. We must apologize for falling off the blogging wagon. It has been awhile since an update. I'm (Curt) not the regular posting person, so I'll let Sara update you more fully. Just wanted to let you know we didn't give up on the blog and thought I'd post a few holiday pictures. Happy 2009!