Sunday, January 4, 2009

Retirement: It's never too early to save...

This holiday season has given way to me seeing some "moneys"come my way. I recieved some cash, a piggy bank, a debit card (its pretty pink & purple) and a purse. I first considered going to Walmart and splurging on lollipops and ice cream, but thought better and decided it was time to save. Dad took me to the bank Saturday to start a savings account. Here I am getting ready to go. This is where I do business. It's a member of FDIC.
I waited very patiently and made some friends with some older ladies and a baby. Each time someone moved I said, "It's Ali's turn!".
It's official...I am now a bank customer. Now when my new piggy bank is full of "moneys" I can dump it on this nice ladies desk and make a deposit. Thanks for the special Daddy-Daughter time!


Jennifer said...

Oh, she is adorable! What a good dad you are, Curt! (and of course you are a great mom, Sara!)

sbharnish said...

oh so cute!

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