Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Explosion

Wow, what a day! No bad, just nuts. After Sawyer's 10:30am feeding I told Ali that we would go to the playground to play, then I would pack our lunch and have a picnic on the grass. All was well and good. I fed Sawyer, sat him on the couch with the boppy and started to make our lunch. He started to cry, which I ignored so I could finish the lunch and we could be on our way. Big mistake. He pooped EVERYWHERE!!!! We usually have a blanket on the arm of the couch just in case of spit up, but I decided to wash it this morning and hang it on the line. Dirty stuff includes, but are not limited to: Sawyer & his outfit including socks, the couch, pillow, boppy & boppy cover, a makeup bag (random I know) and Ali (she decided to "explore" the mess). So it took awhile to get everything cleaned up and go to the park, but we made it. I thought I had it all taken care of when we went to the park, but when we got there Sawyer had poop in between his fingers. Yuck!


RK said...

I feel your chaos-moment pain. Poop happens at the most inopportune times!!

sbharnish said...

wow...feel your your couch going to recover?

Hannah said...

Sam got it all the way into his socks once...that's when I learned what prunes will do. I love knowing that I'm not the only one living life in preperation for and in anticipation of all forms of body fluids. It's our big topic of conversation when Todd calls me at lunchtime. :-) My, how things have changed!