Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weekend at the Farm

See that giant doggie in the field with the utters...I am going to give it a kiss, you want to come?

Texting: I'm @ the farm? Luv you, Ali

I love you Grandma, my teeth hurt!

The love triangle. Sirus the farm dog loves/hates Heidi the tiny goat, Heidi the tiny goat hates Sirus. Nittany likes Sirus and Heidi the tiny goat. The thiy goat likes Nittany. The chasing, running, headbutting and humping got so bad that all three animals where put in the penalty box (there respective cages, tie ups, barns) to give them all a breather. Before the penalty box both dogs ended up in the pond and Heidi the tiny goat got so scared that she pooped on the sidewalk!


Randy said...
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Randy said...

Careful Ali, those aren't udders and that is not a doggie, it's a horse!

Sounds like Nittany needed to get out and get some fresh air. Sometimes you just got to get all that window jumping and humping out of the way.

Anonymous said...

Just for clarification, the older lady sitting in the recliner with Ali in her lap is Great-Grandma... not Grandma.

Randy said...

I wonder what Sam would do if we got a goat.