Monday, July 27, 2009

Potty Trained!

Ali has mastered the art of going to the bathroom in the bathroom for all functions!!! Woo Hoo. She is still very excited about the #2 part. I was using Dum Dums as rewards for the #2 event thinking that may happen once a day if not every other day. Well she has mastered the ability to put what is "technically" a #2 in the pot 2-3# a day when she is in the mood for a treat. I will deal with that in a week or so...for now we will deal. This is her multitasking and celebrating a poo & taking a bath. I didn't tell her to pose this way. George the Animal Steele


Karen K said...

Yay Ali P!!!!! That is so awesome! Can't wait to see you all soon, less than a month now:o)

RK said...

Way to go, Ali! Braska's enjoying using the potty too...peeeooooooooooop, she says. :)

sbharnish said...

yay Ali! we use lollipops too...Kate goes running for the bathroom now..."hurry hurry" she says :o).....we aren't quite brave enough to go out in public without a pullup, but she rarely has a accident! So proud of you Ali P!