Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bring It On!

We are ready to get the show on the road. The room is ready, Curt found the baby monitor (no small task), anything that could come in contact with the babies mouth has been boiled and sanitized, the car seat is installed, diapers are purchased, food is made in the freezer, bags are packed and I am ready to be done! Bring it on! I have reviewed Babywise and my labor book (which is a total joke) and feel as prepared as possible. All we need now is a baby and boat load of batteries for the baby technology.


StL Steeles said...

You look GREAT! (I never did understand why people always said that when I was pregnant, but really... you just look awesome!)
When is your due date? I hope all goes well. And I don't have a labor book, but agree that labor plans easily go out the window when the time comes. :)

Karen K said...

The room looks great! I love the new nursery bedding, very cute! Can't wait to meet the new little doodle:o) And I agree with Steph, you look great, seriously!

sbharnish said...

Boppy in position and all....thats CPW style...prepared for EVERYTHING! :o) We are soooo excited to hear news of a new baby wagner! Sara you do look awesome....much better than I do this late in the game!

Karen K said...

Are you having that baby yet? And if not, why don't you have one of those neat pregometers on your blog? Hope all is well!