Wednesday, April 29, 2009

90 to 180 & 6 to 5

Sawyer broke his previous record of spinning 90 degrees last night and did an amazing 180 degrees. Spin little dude spin! The time has come to drop another feeding. I can tell by his demenor that he is ready. 6 feedings a day down to 5, with 10 hrs of sleeping at night. Here he is after the first round of change today. Let's hope it stays this way!


sbharnish said...

thats awesome sara! I love cutting back on the adds a little bit of time to your day! Have you started rice cereal, or is he on formula or anything that would make him feel fuller throughout the day? I am curious cause Adam is still at 7 feedings, and I am tempted to throw something else in there to help him to go longer between feedings.

Sara said...

Just breastmilk Becky. You have a big dude though...try a cheeseburger and some fries. He is a Harnish boy, I am sure his stomach can handle it.

sbharnish said...

ha ha....for sure! We actually did start trying rice cereal the other day....he CHOWS it!