Monday, December 8, 2008

2 Year Check Up

This is a pic of Ali when she was about a week old. She was a tiny little bean. She has come along way! First B-day pic. Still small for her age, but can put away the cake.
She had her 2 year check up today. She is super healthy! At the 50th percentile for weight and slightly below 50th for height. She is developing ahead of the curve per the doc and "quite verbal". She got a finger prick for blood to test lead and RBC count to check for anemia. She also received a flu shot. She didn't cry for any of the shots/pricks. I was impressed. She was quite proud of her bandaids and shot. We had a run an errand after the appointment and she said to the cashier, "Fuu Shot today, bandaids too". Thank you God for the healthy child!!!


Anonymous said...

I believe she is what Randy would call "Exceptional". Way to be a big girl Ali P!

Anonymous said...
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