Saturday, September 12, 2009

More Prayers & More Unanswered Questions

Ali had another "seizure" on Thursday. I was right beside her when it happened. I caught her before she fell off the stool she was standing on and did everything I was supposed to. It only lasted about 45 sec and was "mild". If she was going to have one it was good timing cause we had an appointment with the neurologist the next day anyway. Basically they don't know why it is happening and what is causing it. An MRI is going to take place (I don't know when yet cause we couldn't schedule on Friday cause it was to late in the day) to rule out any brain abnormalities. Please pray that this comes back clean. I can deal with the seizures, they are mild, they don't hurt her etc. What I am really scared of now is something in her little brain that isn't right. Please pray for a normal MRI, pray for wisdom for the doctors to make a good diagnosis for her, pray for us as we (especially me) are scared out of our minds. I know in my mind that God has it all figured out for Ali and he will take care of all of us, but I am having trouble feeling it in my heart.


RK said...

Sorry to hear that she had another one. I hope they are able to either rule out things with a clean MRI or diagnose something so that the unknown won't continue to bother you. I'll be praying and watching for updates.

Karen K said...

We'll continue to pray. Keep us posted. Love you all!

sbharnish said...

I am praying for you Curt and Sara...

NANNY said...

I pray constantly. I have a feeling that everything will be just fine!!!!! I love you all.

Aunt Karen and Uncle Dan said...

Dan and I are praying for her! She is God's little girl first and foremost so, whatever happens, He will take care of her! We miss you guys and love you all! Tell Ali hi and that we love her - and snuggle sawyer for us!

Jeannine Miner said...

Remember to TRUST in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto YOUR own ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. I will be praying for completely healing of Ali (and peace of mind for you...I know how hard this has to be on you Mama. We're emotional creatures. Remember, she's HIS child and you are the stewart. He loves HER more than you ever could...hard to imagine???).

Love you guys and standing in the gap for you!
