Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Smallmouth Bass - Little Beaver Creek

Here is a 19.5 inch smallmouth bass sampled on Little Beaver Creek (within about 3/4 miles of it's junction with the Ohio River) the night of 9/16/08. This is a remarkable size for a stream system and this fish is likely 9-12 years old.


Anonymous said...

like a kid in a candy shop:-)

Randy said...

Only thing that would have been better is if you were hold a rod and a root beer instead of the sampling gear!

sbharnish said...

so what you do called a "job" cause it looks more like fun to me!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those are some sweat fish pics man! If you ever come out to Kansas we can go fishing at the reservoir, at least for the next couple years till the zebra mussels take over!