Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kids say the Greatest Stuff...

Recent Quotes from Ali:
Ali: "Mommy I am pretty juiced about getting some pizza!"
Mommy (laughing hysterically): "Ali where did you hear the word juiced?"
Ali: "From the speech pathologist."
Mommy (laughing even harder): "Are you serious?"
Ali: "No I am just making stuff up Mommy."

Curt and Ali were snuggling before bed last night. Ali was rubbing Curt's arm.
Ali: "Daddy"
Curt: "Yeah honey"
Ali: "I hope I have hairy arms when I grow up."

Recent Quote from Sawyer:
Sawyer: "Mommy!"
Mommy: "What Sawyer dude?"
Sawyer: "It ok if I wipe my boogie nose on my fruit snack wapper?"
Mommy: "I guess."
Sawyer: "Good I did it."

1 comment:

Scott and Deb said...

hahahaha!!! those are awesome!!