Thursday, March 24, 2011

Worst Vacation Ever

Ali is on Spring Break this week so I decided to take the kids back to PA for a little so we could visit family. My main reason for going was to go to DC to see my brother. Well we had a great car ride there, no melt downs, great traffic etc. When we got to my in-laws house I had to change the kids clothes cause we did have a battle with a cheeseburger and the cheeseburger won. When I was helping Ali get undress I noticed she seemed warm so I took her temp. Fever. Oh you can't be serious! As the day/night went on she barfed, was miserable and had a temp as high as 104.3 degrees. I slept on the floor beside her bed so I could keep an eye on her. 2 days later she is great. Recovered it seems. In the mean time I have to cancel seeing Mitch. Then we think things are good to go and we head over to my Mom and Dad's house. That guessed it...Sawyer is running a temp. The next day we made the trip back here to we could be sick here and try not to get anyone at home sick. We made it home, nobody barfed in the car and everyone is ok today. We did leave a victum at home though. My Mom managed to get the flu from the kids. Sorry Mom. I loved seeing family, but this goes in the books for the Worst "Vacation" so far.

1 comment:

sbharnish said...

awwww.....bummer! Hope the little kiddos are feeling better by now, did you ever end up getting it?