Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wandering Bear Pays the Price...

Always something different at work. Today our office got a call about a black bear hit on the OH turnpike just NW of Youngstown OH. Turns out it had an ear tag courtesy of the PA Game Commission (PGC). Apparently it was fond of honey bee hives and was ear tagged this summer while it was caught by the PGC in Mercer Co. PA and relocated to Venango Co. PA. This was the last know location until today. It was a 235lb male.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gingerbread House: "I won't get a bellyache I promise."

Nanny sent Ali a gingerbread house kit with her birthday gift. She had a blast decorating it. She ate a ton of sugary candy and tried to convince me it was not a problem cause she wasn't going to get a bellyache. What a crack up!


Allison loves cooking although she calls it "makin". Almost everyday she helps me in the kitchen doing something. This is a special activity for her and I. Here we are getting ready to make some Christmas cookies. She always like to wear the apron that Grandma & Grandpa got for her.

3 Years Old!!!

Our little sweetie turned 3 on Dec 7th. Wow time flies yet it seems so long ago that she was a little bean. She had a fun bday. Her boa is because she is totally into "Fancy Nancy" right now and wearing a boa at a party is a very Fancy Nancy thing to do.
Per her request we had McDonalds cheeseburgers for dinner. Cake and Ice Cream of course.
Fancy Daddy: "Daddy you are so dapper!"
She received lots of fun gifts. All in all it was a great day! We paid for it that night with the chocolate later in the evening. She was up twice. Oh well.

O' Christmas Tree

This is the first year that we have had a fake tree. Sawyer would take a full size one down, I am convinced, so we got a little one and put it on a little table. It is cute, but nothing beats a real tree.

Obama Con

Didn't vote for Obama, but this website was funny!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Kids First Parade

This one is for you Grandpa!

A Scary Team

Scruba Dub Dub

Now you see me...
Now you don't!

Can Someone Post Bail The Sequel

This is a post from when Ali was little: This is Sawyer: